Au Ver a Soie for Loop Wool Embroidery Threads
From Au Ver a Soie, the fabulous long-established thread company in Paris!
The threads are perfect for embroidering on wool with wool. They're very beautiful and are perfect for embroidery and visible or invisible darning and mending. They could also be used for tapestry and cross-stitch.
We also have sets of these threads that have been made just for Loop! They're beautiful.
These wool threads will be perfect for embroidering on knits, as seen in Judit Gummlich's book, Embroidery on Knits, Anna Nikipirowicz's Embroidered Crochet, and Britt-Marie Christoffersson's Embroidery on Knitting.
Since 1820 Au Ver A Soie , a family-run business, has been producing the most high-quality silk threads that can be used for embroidery, visible mending, jewellery, and tapestry.
We're very happy to have their beautiful threads here at Loop. Pure silks, spun silk, metallic thread, and now these beautiful wool threads.